Validation of the developed triaxial nonlinear material model for concrete
material model, nonlinearity, triaxial stress state, concrete numerical analysis, validationAbstract
This paper presents a validation of newlydeveloped material model for concrete. The modelis based on a combination of elasto-fractureplasticformulation, considering all dominantinfluences in concrete: yielding in compression,fracture in tension, softening and hardening. Themodified Mohr-Coulomb criterion for dominantcompression stresses, the modified Rankine criterionfor dominant tension stresses, exponential softeningand the function for hardening are considered inthis model. All constitutive equations are defined byelementary material parameters (Young’s modulusof elasticity, Poisson’s coefficient, maximal uniaxialtensile and compression stresses, the coefficient oftensile correction, maximal tensile and maximalcompression strains). A multi-surface presentationof the model is implemented which permits the rapidconvergence of the mathematical procedure. Themodel uses return-mapping algorithm for theintegration of the constitutive equations withassociated and non-associated flow rules.Considering triaxial stress state, the paper presentsthe structural validation of a developed numericalmodel, which is incorporated into computerprogramme PRECON3D, illustrated on fourexamples, both experimental and numerical, takenfrom the literature: (i) four point bending of normalstrengthand high-strength reinforced concretebeams with four different constant-zone lengths andtwo different reinforcement ratios; (ii) three pointbending of reinforced concrete beam; (iii)prestressed concrete beam; (iv) prestressed ?-beam.Downloads
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