Some topics in process planning of rotational turning
process planning, rotational turningAbstract
There could be different procedure variants ofchip removal by the applied kinematic relations in turning operations. Recently,some research and analysis of these variants have come to the front sinceturning can replace grinding in precision machining operations due to thedevelopment of tools with geometrically defined cutting edge(s) and toolmaterials, even in machining of hardened surfaces. This frequently occurs infinish machining, therefore the application of the topography meeting thefunctional requirements best and also the procedure leading to that has becomecrucially important. Some of the technological issues of one of the variants –rotational turning – is the subject of this work. Rotationalturning does the cutting with a long, oblique and spatial positioned cuttingedge instead of the single-point cutting tools applied in traditional turning.The slow rotation of the cutting edge on a large diameter causes a skiving-likematerial removal mechanism. In order to calculate the cutting parameters aswell as to determine the machining times and the productivity, the rotationangles of the tool needed for the run-in, run-out and the constant phases mustbe known. Inthis paper the rotation angles based on geometrical conditions are determinedand a method for their calculation is given. The structure of the applied tooland the applicable technological parameters are described and in addition, thehigh productivity of this procedure is shown. Finally, the method for determiningthe cutting parameters is described.Downloads
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