Comparison of the nanoindentation results of two generation of powder metalurgy produced materials for plastic industry
In this article properties and nanoindentation characteristics of stainless PM steels M390 Microclean® and M398 Microcelan® are investigated. As a first part the literature sources about PM steels, stainless steels and thermo chemical treatment were studied to collect information about the problems which can be found out during the thermal or thermo chemical treatment of M390 and M398 for improvement of their mechanical and anticorrosion properties. The optical microscopy of both materials is presented to show the structure and get more complex picture about them. Main reason of this article – nanoindentation was performed on Hysitron Triboindenter TI 950. For both samples 7 indentation points were chosen on the SPM scan – 4 for carbides and 3 for basic matrix. Based on results the nanohardnes H and reduced modulus of elasticity Er, the reduced modulus of elasticity of phases ES was counted. Nanohardnes H of matrix matches with Ferrite what confirmed the information from material producer. Nanohardnes of carbides is equal to results from other tested material from CEDITEK.Additional Files
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