The casting process and high temperature oxidation resistance of high chromium cast iron grate bar


  • Chen Zhiru The school of materials science and engineering Henan Polytechnic University
  • Xu Lei
  • Zhao Linwei
  • Wang Youchao
  • Li Changyun
  • Mi Guofa


high chromium cast iron, grate bar, oxidation resistance, oxide films


The solidification process of a high chromium cast iron grate bar used for sinter machine was simulated, and high temperature oxidation resistance was also investigated. The simulation result shows that sequence solidification can be achieved and no shrinkage cavity and porosity were observed. Based on the analysis of the microstructure, it could be known that the grate bar was well protected by the Fe3O4?Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 oxide films at temperatures lower than 800°C.


